
Videos clip art
  • Make It Go Away, Erase the History, and Get an Apology! (2022)

    This video is the sixth of a series where I discuss how we might respond to common questions from a professional accused of misconduct. In this video, I discuss the importance of establishing priorities, setting objectives, and managing expectations. We begin that process early in our representation and revaluate our goals throughout the defense. We have to weigh our objectives against the potential damage meetings those objectives may cause. These discussions are driven by the client, the facts, and our opponent's positions. A strong, trusting relationship between the client and attorney is helpful in achieving the best possible outcome under the circumstances, which is always our goal.

  • Why Do You Care How Many Children I Have? (2022)

    This video is the fifth of a series where I discuss how we might respond to common questions from a professional accused of misconduct. In this video, I discuss the importance for any attorney getting to know the client. That means the good and the less flattering aspects of the client's background and personality. A good attorney knows that all kinds of information may impact negotiations, a hearing, or a trial. Overlooking something important about a client could undermine our chances of success. Getting to know our clients may prove more important than any research we do in the case. You never know, so you always ask.

  • I'm Innocent! Why Shouldn't I Talk to the Investigator? (2022)

    This video is the fourth of a series where I discuss how we might respond to common questions from a professional accused of misconduct. This video emphasizes that any professional accused of misconduct will face collateral investigations. A doctor accused of sexual harassment must confront the possibility of a criminal investigation, an inquiry by the medical board, and a review from their employer. Any other professional will face similar challenges. Failing to weigh the risks created by these collateral inquiries against the benefits of answering investigators' questions can be devastating to a successful defense. Informed choices in consultation with an experienced, well-informed attorney are critical.

  • To Find the Perfect Attorney to Solve My Problem, Do I Swipe Right? (2022)

    This video is the third of a series where I discuss how we might respond to common questions from a professional accused of misconduct. In this video, I discuss the things I would want to know before hiring an attorney to assist me through an investigation or following an allegation of misconduct. I talk about the importance of having an attorney with experience managing parallel investigations and balancing a client's priorities against the potential consequences of the investigations.

  • Only guilty people need a lawyer, right? Wrong! (2022)

    This video is the second of a series where I discuss how we might respond to common questions from a professional accused of misconduct. In this video I encourage anyone under investigation or facing an accusation to show a sense of urgency to engage an experienced, competent, and attentive attorney. That means asking trusted advisors for recommendations, researching the backgrounds of recommended attorneys, and interviewing prospective attorneys to better understand their experience, ability, and availability.

  • Where to Begin When You Are the Accused (2022)

    This video is the first of a series where I discuss how we might respond to common questions from a professional accused of misconduct. I introduce a hypothetical investigation of a research physician accused of sexual harassment by a former employee. This series takes into account the possibility that the physician may be responding to parallel faculty, medical board, and criminal investigations.